News お知らせ
~ニュージーランドに着き、2週間の春休みが始まりました。ニュージーランドの食事はとても美味しく、街へ買い物に行ったり、野生のアザラシや羊を見に行ったり、ホストファミリーの仕事場のオタゴ大学へ遊びに行ったりして楽しみました。ニュージーランドに来た次の日に連れていってもらった世界一急な坂がとても印象に残っています。充実した春休みを過ごしているとすぐに学校がはじまりました。初日はとても緊張しましたが、自分と一緒に行ったはづきさん他にも日本人がいて少し安心しました。インターナショナルの生徒の教室に入ると先生にその教室が桜丘ルームであることを説明され、Sakuragaoka Room と書かれた看板を見せてもらいました。
We arrived in New Zealand and began our two-week spring break. The food in New Zealand was very good. We went shopping in town and went to see wild seals and sheep. We also went to the University of Otago, where my host family works. I went to Otago University, where my host family works, for fun. The steepest hill in the world, which I was taken to on my first day in New Zealand was very impressive. After spending a fulfilling spring break, school started.I was very nervous on the first day, but I was a little relieved to see that there were some other Japanese students including another exchange student who went with me from Sakuragaoka. When I entered the classroom of the international students, I was told by the teacher that the classroom was the Sakuragaoka Room. The teacher explained to me that the classroom was named after Sakuragaoka and showed me a sign that said Sakuragaoka Room.
At first, I was worried that I might not be able to make friends because I couldn’t speak English. However, when they realized that our English was not good enough, they started to speak slowly and gestured with their hands, so we were able to have conversations and make friends. In English and math classes, there were many times when I didn’t understand what the teacher was saying, but each time I did not understand, the teacher would politely tell me. I think I am getting along with the classes because the teachers teach me kindly and patiently.
The week after school started, I had corona. I was very worried, but my Japanese teacher told me that corona is a common disease in New Zealand and that I did not need to worry about it, which made me very happy. On my days off, I enjoy playing with my friends and going out with my host family. Although there are still many things I don’t understand since I have just started, I am having a lot of fun and I am looking forward to the future.